In the past few years,
employers have started asking some rather off-the-wall interview questions,
many of which are being published on Internet sites such as While at first they may seem silly,
there is a point to these queries:
companies are looking for innovative employees and creative
thinkers. Too many candidates come
to an interview with well-prepared and rehearsed answers to the “standard”
questions, and posing an unusual question will often break through this façade
and reveal more about the person sitting across the table. The answers to questions such as
“How many cows are in Canada?” and “What kitchen utensil would you be?” can
offer insights into a person’s creativity, psychology, reasoning skills, and
ability to think “outside-the-box.”
Understanding the sub-text
of these questions can help you prepare for whatever oddball question an
interviewer may send your way. When
faced with one of these, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What’s the real
question here?”
• How do you make an omelet?
Sub-text: Can you explain something to others in
a clear manner?
• How many piano tuners are in Chicago?
Sub-text: Can you use creative, critical thinking
when faced with a challenging problem?
• If you set your cell phone to silent and it just
rang loudly, what would you say to me?
Sub-text: How well do you handle sticky
• If
you were shrunk to the size of a walnut and put in a box, how would you get
Sub-text: Can you show me that you are creative
The point of these
questions is to learn more about candidates, not to confound them. So, take a deep breath, take some time
to think about your answer, ask a clarifying question if necessary, and show
the interviewer that you are interesting, creative, and have a sense of humor
about the process.
And here is a different approach - brainteasers are out, real-life questions are in! And by no other than Google: